Greenhorn Espresso Cafe


A Le Marché St. George in the West End? The latest hub for coffee addicts nearby, this neighborhood gem has been receiving quite the media attention lately, courtesy of Instagram. It’s a minimalistic space, pertaining a raw exquisiteness that is often exuded by most coffee shops as of late. Natural lighting and typical wood accents are what one can perceive stepping in. There is also a second floor located in the back, livened by vintage bicycles and quirky photos that compliment the neutral walls. It’s fit for those wishing to spend a little longer with their companions and to also escape the boisterous commotion in the front as a result of on the goers. Strangely, walking in, I wasn’t greeted with the smell of roasted coffee. As they do pride themselves as an espresso bar however, they must have some knowledge on what makes a good brew to achieve regulars already. The warm customer service and the rather wide selection of a menu will make this a local favorite in no time.   20140211-092503.jpg

20140211-092520.jpgDaily Soup ($7) – Indian Chickpea Soup with Fennel, Spinach, Cilantro and Turmeric Oil. Accompanied by some toasted and buttered soft white bread. 20140211-092526.jpgCoconut Black Rice Pudding ($7) – Home made black jasmine rice pudding with tropical fruit, and side of coconut milk.

Greenhorn Espresso Cafe on Urbanspoon