Good Vibes

Though I haven’t been particularly overwhelmed at school yet (I know I will regret my words later), I’ve kept myself occupied avidly by re-watching old school T.V. shows. I’m trying to get through all of the seasons of Boy Meets World. I remember never striking an interest in it when I was younger, but I’m so happy I stumbled upon it again. I love the message in each episode and how it’s just an all-around heart-warming show… Anyway, excuse my rambling. I’ve decided to dedicate this post to an Instagram round-up since doing a review hasn’t been something that has sparked my interest lately. Food on the other hand, a no brainer.


Home-made stuffing with one of my good friends behind the website, Rachel Rachels. Healthy and warming for the soul.


Beautiful sampling of brunch items by Marika from Bird’s Nest Dining. Such an intimate location. The food also was surprisingly delicious. The onion and squash galette pictured on the upper right was divine… and that coconut mousse with berries had me completely floored.


Late “brunch” at Peruvian restaurant, Chicha, on E. Broadway. It’s a small compact space, so it fills up really easily. Though my friend and I liked our food, we were not incredibly pleased with the service – slow and almost unpleasant. Food also came about an hour later…


The hollandaise was so good, I’m drooling just thinking about it.


These deep-fried cassava root fries were also incredible. I think a chipotle aoili would have paired well with it rather than what it came with, but that’s just my opinion.


Earnest Ice Cream! Cinnamon Pecan Swirl and Cookies n’ Cream and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


My baby apple pies fresh out of the oven! That oat crumble was pretty bomb, if I don’t say so myself.

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Pre-midterm meal with my girls. #ubcchills

Chicha on Urbanspoon
Earnest Ice Cream on Urbanspoon
Mercante on Urbanspoon